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Where we invest

Fondazione ENEA Tech e Biomedical invests in companies operating in Italy, including SMEs and innovative start-ups, to boost research, development and industrial reconversion in the biomedical, and to support technology transfer.

In particular, in this area, the Foundation supports the green and circular economy, information technology, agri-tech and deep tech supply chain.

The Foundation invests, as implementing entity, through the resources of the two Funds it manages on behalf of the Ministry of Enterprise and Made in Italy: the ‘Technology Transfer Fund’ and the Biomedical Research and Industrial Development Fund.

The Foundation may act in coordination or co-investment with enterprises, other institutional and private funds, Italian and foreign public bodies and entities, including territorial ones, as well as through the use of European Union resources, and may aggregate its own resources to those of the two aforementioned funds.

The ENEA Tech and Biomedical Foundation manages two funds on behalf of MIMIT


The technology transfer fund

Through the Technology Transfer Fund, the Foundation promotes initiatives and investments aimed at valorising and using the results of technological research in companies operating in the national territory, with particular reference to start-ups and innovative SMEs operating in technological fields of national strategic interest, with priority for Information Technology, the green economy, agritech and deep tech sectors (additive manufacturing, nanotechnologies, new materials, robotics, artificial intelligence).

The Technology Transfer Fund promotes the collaboration of public and private entities in the creation of innovation and spin-off projects that involve planning, promotion and development activities of innovative processes or products, advanced technologies as well as the dissemination of research results.

Support for business projects
Green economy
Circular economy
Deep tech

The biomedical industrial research and development fund

Through the Biomedical Research and Industrial Development Fund, Fondazione ENEA Tech e Biomedical aims to promote research and industrial reconversion of the biomedical sector for the production of new drugs and vaccines, with a view to making the national ecosystem resilient to face health emergencies. Fondazione ENEA Tech e Biomedical aims at fostering the development of an advanced and innovative pharmaceutical industry in Italy and the production of diagnostic products and biomedical and telemedicine devices, also through the creation of highly specialized hubs with the participation of private institutions and companies, including foreign ones, in order to link academic, basic and pre-clinical research to the subsequent phases, up to industrial production.

Creation of innovation hubs
Support for business projects
Initiatives to promote Italy's attractiveness
Research support and enhancement